Tiger Barb

Puntius tetrazona, the tiger barb or Sumatra barb, is a species of tropical cyprinid fish, This fish belongs to the family Cyprinidae and it comes from Tailand, Sumatra and Borneo

The tiger barb can grow to about 7-10 centimeters long (2.75 - 4 in) and 3-4 centimeters wide,(1.18 in), although
they are often smaller when kept in captivity.The body is deep,plump , yellow-white,with a brownish to olive back,the flanks have a red-brown sheen and are decorated with four typical black bands.The dorsal and anal fins are blood-red and the ventral fin of the male is sometimes black.

The fish is one of the most popular varieties for aquarium. It requires a medium-sized tank with a water temperature above 20°C (68°F). Tap water is sufficient ,The fishes cannot stand cloudiness caused by infusoria, for then they suffer from a gill disease . The characteristic posture of the fishes is an inclined position with head downwards.They are not choosy as to food.They trouble other sorts of fishes and often bite off the edges of their fins, therefore they are not suitable company for peaceful fishes with long fins.
